Networking Receptions
Get ready to mix and mingle as we host an array of networking receptions on the evening of the plenary
October 20 | 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Wildlife Conservation takes the concerted effort of many different entities and the dedication of individuals across a diverse array of fields. From educators cultivating early interest in wildlife, to field biologists and managers, to planners and lobbyists. No success story in wildlife conservation is written in isolation and the work knows no boundaries (or end for that matter). The Wildlife Society recognizes the contributions of these diverse entities and individuals and celebrates them through our associated receptions night.
On the night of the plenary, spend some time roaming the halls of the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor. With close to 2,000 people attending this year’s conference you’re sure to make new friends and learn something novel about this grand profession we’re all apart of. This year’s receptions will include:
TWS Working Groups
Did you know that TWS has 30 Working Groups all focused on different disciplines and aspects of the wildlife profession? Throughout the week many of these Working Groups will be holding business meetings that are open to attendees. However, we thought we’d add an informal opportunity to explore all of the Working Groups in one place. These intellectual hubs serve as the foundation for many of TWS’ policy statements and positions. Learn more about what they do and chat with members and leaders about how you can contribute or collaborate in the future.
National Wild Turkey Federation
Since its inception in 1973, the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) has provided the foundation for wild turkey conservation throughout North America. From the first research project in the 1970s, to the multi-million acre restoration initiatives going on today, NWTF supports science-based conservation and management, education, and sound policy—a mission that shares considerable overlap with that of The Wildlife Society.
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute
The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute at Texas A&M University-Kingsville is the leading wildlife research organization in Texas and one of the finest in the nation. Established in 1981 by a grant from the Caesar Kleberg Foundation for Wildlife Conservation, their mission is to provide science-based information for enhancing the conservation and management of wildlife in South Texas and related environments. Be sure to say hi to our good friends in Texas.
Canadian Section
Our Canadian Section reception is always an attendee favorite, but this year it serves as a bit of a warm-up for 2025, when TWS travels to Edmonton, Alberta for our 32nd Annual Conference.
Leadership Institute
Visit with alumni of TWS’ flagship training program for early-career professionals. Since 2006, the program has trained over 170 wildlifers, many of whom now serve as leaders and mentors in TWS and beyond.
TWS Awards
Come congratulate this year’s award recipients, including the Aldo Leopold Memorial Award recipient, Maurice Hornocker. Then mingle with a who’s who of distinguished award winners from past years.
Federal Agencies
For the first time at a TWS conference, we’re combining our individual federal agency receptions into one big event. Network within or across federal agencies with ease, including BLM, USGS, USFS, and more!
In addition to the receptions happening on-site, some groups will also be hosting off-site events. We will add these events to the schedule as we become aware of them. Check the schedule regularly for the latest updates.

The Bird
For a bit of fun, we’ve invited The Bird to join us for this networking event. Binoculars will not be needed to spot this oriole. Be sure to snap a photo with The Bird!
Associated Receptions: Holiday Ballroom and third floor of Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor | 7:30pm – 9:30pm