This year’s logo was designed by Dusty LeGrande. Dusty is an Indigenous artist and founder of the Edmonton-based streetwear brand Mobilize.

Edmonton, or as it is known in my nation’s language (Cree/Nehiyaw) amiskwaciwâskahikan which means Beaver hills house. To honour the name we use for Edmonton I choose the animal representation to be our cousin Beaver and within its body is our written language also known as spirit markers (syllabics) – we are taught that our people and our language originate in the stars and that we are ever connected to the celestial realm through our spirits and our ancestors. Our 4 direction colours are red, yellow, blue, and white. The text colour choices reflect our 4 direction colours and the arch of the text represents the “hills house”. The syllabics listed in the writing are for the word amiskwaciwâskahikan.” – Dusty LeGrande

Read more about Dusty in Fashion Magazine ↗